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Vol. 117 (2012): Our Past


The daily life of students of theological seminary in Płock in the first half of the 19th century

  • Dariusz Majewski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2012-06-30


The style of life and organisation of activities in the Płock seminary under the management of the Congregation of the Mission was supposedly similar to that in other institutions of this kind run by the Vincentans. The rhythm of life considerably resembled or derived from the rules of monastic life, especially in Vincentian monasteries. It was principally adjusted to achieving its aim, which was to prepare the candidates well for priesthood and ministry. It allowed for making optimal use of study time, pious practices, formative activities and – finally – of rest. Specific life rhythm was meant to prepare future priests for their subsequent duties. This style was almost wholly adopted after the merger of the Płock and Pułtusk seminaries under the management of diocesan priests since 1864. With time, some modifications were made, but in its main framework the style has survived until the present day.


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