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Vol. 115 (2011): Our Past


The "Converted" officer of MPS (the Ministry of Public Security): the history of Wacław Hajduk (1911-1977)

  • Bartomiej Noszczak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2011-12-30


Wacław Hajduk was born in 1911 in the village Szczalb. In July 1945 he entered PPR (The Polish Workers’ Party), which recommended him to work in MBP. From October 1947 he worked as the bookbinder in the Department II and he had the contact with top secret documents of MBP. Hajduk was religious person, the democrat, who glorified the USA. Since August 1948 he stole the documentation of UB (Department of Security) and hid it at his cousins Feliks and Joanna Chmielewski. He knew there the Daughter of Charity Bronisława Zysk. He wanted to deliver to the primate Stefan Wyszyński the information concerning the fight of UB (Department of Security) against the religion and the Catholic Church by her instrumentality. However, the nun destroyed delivered report under the influence of the priest Władysław Smyrski, who estimated this report critically. The bookbinder was arrested in November 1949. He was condemned to death, which was changed in life sentence. The cooperators of Hajduk obtained also high penalties. In the prison Hajduk started suffer from the psychic disease. He died without the recovery o f his health in 1977. He was not so lucky and he had not the clout as lieutenant colonel Józef Światło, who escaped to the West in 1953. That man with his guilty conscience became a hero and then, protected by CIA spent the rest o f his life in the USA. Hajduk, ordinary functionary of UB (Department of Security), in his fight against the system he met with a repulse. He was just a puppet in MBP hierarchy. Even if his information was disseminated, it would not be of consequence: in 1948 and 1949 the system was still too strong. The history treated Hajduk cruelly: he did not secure his place in the history.


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