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Vol. 109 (2008): Our Past


17th-century Saint Martha's Hospital in Gniezno in the light of the book of accounts

  • Anna Jabłońska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2008-06-30


The heyday of Gniezno can be traced back to the Middle Ages, when it was an important political and pastoral centre, followed by the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century. During this period, the town took advantage of its location on the West-East route and was one of the main centres of European trade. Gniezno experienced setbacks from time to time, but it was not until the second half of the 17th century that the town's prosperity came to an end. The town had a number of hospitals - institutions that cared for the poor inhabitants. St Martha's Hospital was another one whose existence is only mentioned in the literature of the time. However, in the collection of the Archdiocesan Archives in Gniezno, there is an account book from 1620-1686, which allows us to study some issues in detail. Unfortunately, the book is in very poor condition and is currently being restored. This deterioration, and sometimes carelessness with the inscriptions, often makes the notes illegible. St Martha's Hospital was structurally and financially subordinate to the College of Penitents in the Gniezno Cathedral. At the beginning of the 17th century, the college had sufficient funds to open a hospital and found a chapel dedicated to St Martha.
The endowment of the hospital was based on the income from Goczalkow, a village jointly owned by the College and the hospital, on bequests, sums invested in property from which rent was then derived, and on non-permanent income, various alms and charitable donations paid into a chest or cash box. The financial situation of the hospital depended on the general standard of living, so the turning point of the 'deluge' in the history of the hospital is very evident - the accounts for the second half of the 17th century clearly reflect the general impoverishment of society. This impoverishment was caused by war and its disasters, as well as the redefinition of European trade routes.
The hospital usually housed between six and nine people, most of whom were women. They were people who needed help - the sick, the elderly, the blind, the disabled and children. In some cases the hospice may also have served as a home for the elderly. Reflecting the situation of the town of Gniezno and its inhabitants in the 17th century and providing the necessary living conditions for some of the poor, St Martha's Hospital is an example of an average institution of this type.


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