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Vol. 111 (2009): Our Past


The ceremonial ingress of bishops in pre-partition Krakow

  • Szymon Federowicz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2009-06-30


In the minutes of the cathedral chapter sessions, i.e. Acta actorum Acta Capitularia Ecclesiae Cracoviensis, we find a number of descriptions of the ceremonial entries of Krakow bishops that took place in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Each account refers to the same ceremony, which was essentially a religious rite and an ecclesiastical legal act. The ceremony consisted of permanent basic elements and elements defining its external appearance, which could take various forms. In addition, new elements appeared that gave these ceremonies a political, social and cultural framework, as well as being an expression of historical time. For this reason, all of these descriptions are presented separately so as not to lose their specific tone and also to capture important and specific differences. The descriptions themselves are not uniform. The older ones are characterized by conciseness and even summary. They focus on the most important elements of the event. Gradually, the accounts of the bishops' ceremonial entries became richer, with great attention to detail. By using specific information, they were able to more accurately reflect the atmosphere of those times. Initially presented as simple chronicles, over time they took the form of long narratives, which gave them great historical value. All the ceremonial entries of bishops described above were usually carried out according to the same ritual. The entire ceremony focused on three moments. First, the new bishop would go to an important place outside Krakow and then set out on his way to Krakow. The bishop's procession stopped at the collegiate church of St. Floriana, where the first ceremony of welcoming the new shepherd to the University and its rector took place. The second important moment took place in the Church of Our Lady in the Old Town, where this time the new parish priest was welcomed by the archpriest and city councilors together with the burgrave. The last and most important moment was the bishop's entry into the cathedral and the celebrations taking place there. In addition to the ceremonial welcome of the new inductee, the cathedral chapter and the dean took his personal oath. Although the ceremony was an ecclesiastical event, its scale also made it a national, social and popular event. What was striking about these ceremonies was the luxury, even splendor. In this context, typically religious features were less visible, and fragments of the liturgy even less visible. Striking differences and even peculiarities that appear in the reports may indicate the actual introduction of new elements into the course of the ceremony. It cannot be ruled out that the lack of a detail in a specific description is simply the result of an oversight by the chronicler. It should be emphasized that the chroniclers' accounts are subordinated to certain aspects, which is clearly visible in the presentation of constant elements, often described with the same terms. Nevertheless, each of the ceremonial entries described was a unique ceremony marked by the ever-changing spirit of the times - even if it was a slow process.


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