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Vol. 112 (2009): Our Past


The contribution to the history of the Busko Norbertine sisters in the 18th and early 19th centuries

  • Anna Szylar
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2009-12-30


The article was prepared on the basis of manuscripts preserved in the archives of the Norbertine nuns in Imbramowice, namely the chronicle of the Norbertine monastery in Busko from 1737-1814 and the visitation protocol of Bishop Michał Jerzy Poniatowski from 1782. The Busko monastery was founded in the years 1180-1185 by the voivode of Sandomierz, Dzierżek of the Janina coat of arms, and his brother, Wit, the bishop of Płock. The voivode also made donations to the monastery. In this way, until the beginning of the 19th century, the Norbertines of Busko were among the richest nuns' monasteries. In 1819, under the Dissolution Act, the monastery was liquidated. The last nuns were allowed to remain there until their deaths. They lost their property. The city fire in 1820 caused extensive damage. The nuns also suffered. A large part of the monastery buildings and the church burned down. As a result, deprived of the land needed for maintenance, most of the equipment, the church, the monastery and, above all, a roof over their heads, the Norbertines, by decision of the secular authorities, were moved to the former Pauline monastery in Pińczów, in a building requiring renovation. At the same time, Count Stanisław Tarnowski proposed moving them to Piotrkowice in the Stopnica poviat, but for various reasons this project was not implemented. The stay in Pińczów lasted from 1820 to 1864, when the last three nuns were transferred to the Norbertine convent in Imbramowice. In the years 1737-1820, there were on average 23 nuns in the Busko monastery. From the beginning of this period until 1860, they were managed by eight abbesses, elected in accordance with monastic legislation.


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