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Vol. 52 (1979): Our Past


The pastoral activities of the Bishop of Kielce, Augustyn Łosinski (1910-1937)

  • Stanisław Fert
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1979-12-30


At one time, Bishop Augustyn Łosiński was considered one of the most outstanding representatives of the Polish episcopate. Due to his tenacity and fortitude, he was compared to St Augustine. They were appreciated due to the very wide scope of pastoral activity and the ability to adapt the form of pastoral activity to current needs. Getting acquainted with the extremely interesting and rich documentation regarding the Bishop's activities allows us to express the opinion that these assessments are justified. The analysis of the testimonies leads to the belief that Bishop Łosiński laid lasting structural foundations for the organization of pastoral care in the Kielce diocese, and with his inexhaustible energy and enthusiasm he stimulated the movement towards religious and social revival. In the author's opinion, he was a man of great stature and great achievements.


  1. Łosiński A., Adoracja publiczna Przenajświętszego Sakramentu w dyecezji kieleckiej, Warszawa 1911. [Google Scholar]
  2. Wróblewski H., Pamiątka ingresu J. E. ks. A. Łosińskiego Biskupa Dyecezyi kieleckiej do katedry w Kielcach, Kielce 1910. [Google Scholar]


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