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Vol. 54 (1980): Our Past


The 600th anniversary of the church of St Catherine in Krakow

  • Wacław Kolak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1980-12-30


In 1978, St Catherine's Church in Cracow celebrated the six hundredth anniversary of its consecration. On this occasion it is worth recalling some of the facts connected with the foundation and history of this magnificent monument of Gothic art, which, in addition to the church, includes an Augustinian monastery with a quadrangle of cloisters. The Augustinian ensemble is of great importance for Polish culture and belongs to the high class of medieval architecture in our country. It played an important role especially in the 15th century and the first half of the 16th century, when it reached the height of its artistic and cultural activity. It is this period, which lasted until the great fire of 1556, that will be the focus of this article dedicated to the 600th anniversary of St Catherine's Church in Cracow.


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