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Vol. 57 (1982): Our Past


Churches and chapels in Chęciny

  • Marian Paulewicz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1982-06-30


In the parish of Chęciny, established at the end of the 13th century, during the 700 years of its existence there were eleven temples - six churches and five chapels. Two churches were parish churches, two monastery churches, one hospital church and one mining church. Each of the five chapels played a different role. These were the following chapels: castle, monastery, burial, branch and cemetery chapels. Of these eleven temples, only six serve sacred purposes today, two have ceased to exist, and three have been rebuilt, have lost the character of sacred buildings and serve secular purposes. Of the last three, one is a residential house, the second is a restaurant, and the third is a coffee bar. The interesting history of these temples is the subject of this work.


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