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Vol. 33 (1970): Our Past


History of the cult of Saint Casimir at home and abroad

  • Florian Niewiero
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1970-12-30


The subject of this article roce attempt to present – over a period of almost five centuries – the development of the veneration of St Casimir in Poland, as well as in other Christian countries outside Poland. It deals with the efforts for his canonisation, the roces of canonisation, the services held after canonisation, the services held on the occasion of the transfer of his blessed remains to the newly built chapel bearing his name in the Vilnius Cathedral (1636), as well as the history of the chapel, its description, veneration, peregrinations of the relics of St Casimir and their bestowal, votive offerings at the saint’s tomb and the relics of St Casimir. The history of the chapel, description, worship, peregrinations of the relics of St Casimir and their bestowal, votive offerings at the saint’s tomb, paintings, penitential and supplicatory services to the patron of both nations, celebrations of the 400th anniversary of his canonisation, St Casimir’s churches in Poland and, last but not least, the development of the cult in other countries, namely Italy (Rome, Naples, Parma, Florence), Malta, Belgium, Hungary, the Republic of Lithuania, the United States, Canada and others.


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