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Vol. 61 (1984): Our Past


Iroscots in mediaeval Europe

  • Jerzy Strzelczyk
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1984-06-30


The appearance of an extensive, two-volume collection devoted to the role of the Iro-Scots in the history and culture of medieval Europe (The Irish and Europe in the Early Middle Ages, edited by H. Löwe, Stuttgart 1982), published in 1982, prompted the author of this article not only to critically discussion of the above-mentioned work (Part II), but also the history of research in this field (Part I), the achievements of Polish science in the field of the study of the Iroscot Civilization and the dissemination of relevant foreign finds in the Polish language (Part III), and finally, we will briefly present the state of research on the Iroscots influence on The Church in Central Europe in general and in Poland in particular (Part IV) The mentioned work, which is an important achievement of European scholarship, covers the first three periods of Iroscots influence on Great Britain and continental Europe (6th to 11th centuries), the first of which (Columban) and the second (Carolingian) played the greatest role in universal history. The last period (from the second half of the 11th century) remains outside the thematic area of the collection, although it is limited both spatially (only the area of the German Empire) and, above all, in terms of its importance for Europe ; This is the period of the so-called Scottish monasteries (recte: Iro-Scottish) with Regensburg at the peak. Studies on the Iro-Scottish civilization have long been tainted with prejudices: excessive optimism about the historical role of the Iro-Scots (Iromania) was visible already in the Middle Ages . Symptoms of an impatient or hypercritical reaction (irophobia). This ambivalence was further strengthened by contemporary religious disputes. The contribution of Polish science to the study of the Irish civilization is rather modest, although Polish scientists can boast of some significant achievements, of which the name Stefan Czarnowski is considered a kind of symbol. Even in the area in which Polish science is naturally most interested, namely the recognition of the role of the Iroscotian element in Christianization - or more broadly: in the history of the Church - in Polish territories, there is quite a skeptical attitude towards the scientific record. Alfons Parczewski's exaggerated ideas about this role did not come true in the face of scientific criticism; At the same time, however, there is no need to completely deny the role of this element in some parts of the Slavic territories (mainly in Carinthia, and even more so in Moravia, Kievan Rus and Poland in the 11th and 12th centuries).


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