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Vol. 99 (2003): Our Past


An unknown Norbertine author from the end of the 16th century

  • Małgorzata Borkowska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2003-06-30


There are probably many treasures of monastic culture still waiting to be discovered. Recently such a discovery was made at Żukowo, where the church is the sole remnant of an early 13th-century Norbertan foundation. An examination of the small parish archives at Żukowo brought to light a commentary on the Rule of St Augustine, written most probably by Agnes Sukowska, who was Prioress of that convent in 1585-1592. She was one of the nine nuns sent there from Strzelno about 1580 to revive and reform the well-nigh deserted convent at Żukowo. Not much could be done until 1580 when the local priest, opposed to any idea of reform, was replaced and the convent was authorized to elect their own prioress. In his Visitation Document the bishop who showed so much interest in Żukowo’s revival left to the nuns the regulations of the Council of Trent with a few extra points of his own. One of them must have been this injunction that made the newly elected Prioress write a series of short commentaries. Their language shows that she must have been already an elderly person, well versed in Latin and the Bible (especially the New Testament) but less knowledgeable about the spiritual innovations of her time. Whereas her style, which improves with practice, suggests that this composition was probably her first (and last) literary work, her regular and confident handwriting suggests that she must have been a copyist in her youth. The translation of the Rule she uses (and which she then amends in a number of instances) is clearly her own. In conclusion, Agnes Sukowska’s Commentary on St Augustine’s Rule appears to be the earliest extant literary work produced and completed by a Polish nun.


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