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Vol. 70 (1988): Our Past


The organization of the Greek Catholic diocese of Przemyśl at the end of the 1870s

  • Stanisław Nabywaniec
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1988-12-30


The Greek Catholic diocese of Przemyśl was part of the Galician-Lviv metropolis. It included part of the western counties of Eastern Galicia and the entire Przemyśl and Sanok regions. The administration of the diocese was carried out by a diocesan bishop appointed by the emperor and confirmed by the Holy See (in the period in question it was J. Stupnicki). Followers of the Greek Catholic rite were subject to its jurisdiction. They were mostly Ruthenians. The source of the bishop's power, apart from his ecclesiastical dignity, was his participation in the political and - what is very important - social and economic life of his dioceses. Prelates and canons of the cathedral chapter, who were also members of the bishop's consistory, had a significant share in the administration of the diocese. Within the diocese, the bishop was represented by deans, who also served as state officials. The administrative division of the diocese into deaneries and parishes was based on Josephine principles. The network of deaneries required particularly expansion. Parishes usually had several, and sometimes even a dozen or so villages each, which was also a legacy of the Josephine church reform. Often, the considerable distance from the parish church and the fact that the parish was usually cared for by only one clergyman meant that pastoral work and religious life were made more difficult. The Greek Catholic clergy was closely connected with the people, and not only because of their origin. Priests were not only leaders of religious life, but also - with a small number of nobility and lay intelligentsia of Ruthenian origin - leading figures in the field of Ruthenian culture and builders of national consciousness. Modern spiritual and intellectual formation prepared clergy for pastoral work. Unfortunately, there were too few of them. The low salary was also a serious shortage, as it did not always allow for meeting the material needs of priests, who often had large families.


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