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Vol. 78 (1992): Our Past


The beginnings of the Norbertine abbeys in Strahów and Brzesko

  • Jerzy Rajman
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1992-12-30


The Norbertine Abbey in Strahov near Prague was founded in 1138-39 on the territory of a canonry probably related to the Guardians of the Holy Sepulchre and founded by the Bishop of Olomouc in cooperation with John, Bishop of Prague. Bishop Zdik and Prince Władysław II brought the Premonstratensians from the Steinfeld monastery near Cologne to Strahov. At the same time, preparations were made to establish a nunnery in Doskany, which was to be subordinated to the abbey in Strahov. In the 13th century, the abbey in Strahov was also supervised by the abbey in Brzesko. Originally, the abbey was not a Norbertine house; however, there is no evidence that could dispel the mystery of the original assumption. The abbey in Brzesko was founded in the mid-12th century. Its patrons were the knights Strzeszysław and Wrocisław, who acted with the authorization of Prince Bolesław Kędzierzawy. Since it was founded and endowed in the Brzeg castellany, it can be assumed that the role of the prince could have been greater. It is possible that he was actually the co-founder of the abbey. The Premonstratensian reform reached Poland at the end of the 12th century. Loosely connected canons were transformed into Norbertine houses. There are reasons to believe that Hroznata, the Czech founder of the Tepla and Chocieszów abbeys, had a hand in this. After the transformation of the canonry in Brzesko, the new Norbertine abbey was given the right to collect tithes by the bishop of Krakow, Iwo.


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