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Vol. 82 (1994): Our Past


The legend of Fr. Piotr Skarga in historical education and popular literature of the 19th century

  • Józef Brynkus
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1994-12-30


Historical biography was and is an important product of the reconstruction of facts and phenomena from the past. Teaching biography brings great success, especially in the education of children. This has not been fully researched and confirmed, although many historians consider it certain. In the 19th century, the use of biography in history teaching was conceived as a matter of creating canons of outstanding figures. Piotr Skarga was among them. Piotr Skarga's educational vision in the 19th century is significantly different from the one we can recognize based on the currently required history textbooks. In the recent past, it was shaped under the influence of ideology, and thus the image of Piotr Skarga was distorted. It was different in the era of partitions. Piotr Skarga occupied a high place in the canon of heroes of the Polish past of this period. School and extracurricular historical education used his biography to disseminate patterns of public and private behavior needed in circumstances where the existence of the nation was threatened, as well as in attempts to revive national life. The educational ideas based on Fr. Skarga's biography were met with almost universal and very enthusiastic reception.


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