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Vol. 87 (1997): Our Past


Fr. Aleksy Prusinowski's work for the people

  • Grażyna Gzella
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1997-06-30


Father Aleksy Prusinowski entered the political scene in 1848 - the year of the "Spring of Nations" - and began editorial and publishing work. From October 4, 1848 to the end of September 1849, he was the editor of the "Wielkoplanin" magazine, and from December 24, 1949 to June 28, 1850, he was the publisher and editor of the "Wiarus" magazine. Both magazines were addressed to rural residents and aimed to alleviate social conditions in the countryside, spread social and national solidarity, educate farmers and influence their political attitudes by using the achievements of the "Spring of Nations". Prusinowski pursued these goals by publishing in both periodicals articles on the most important problems of the Polish rural community in the Grand Duchy of Poznań. The development of national awareness was supported by articles in which the editor formulated the concept of national belonging, interpreted the "national character" of Poles and assessed the policy of the occupying powers towards Polish nationality. In the magazines "Wielkoplanin" and "Wiarus", Prusinowski extensively presented his historical journalism, which informed about the past life of the Polish nation, remembered its great figures and did not omit a vision of the future. In articles with a political content, he referred to religious and moral issues, presented the lives of saints and church holidays. The magazines gained a good reputation among the peasantry and became models for later editors.


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