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Vol. 41 (1974): Our Past


Father Aleksy Prusinowski as a preacher

  • Adolf Iwańciów
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1974-06-30


The year 1972 marked the centenary of the death of Father Aleksei Prusinowski, a gifted preacher who earned himself the honorary title of Wielkopolski Skarga. Prusinowski was not only famous for his work in the pulpit, he was also a good publicist and a well-known socio-political activist. Thanks to these diverse activities, he soon became well known, but when he later suffered setbacks and was hospitalised for several years with a complex illness, he was almost completely forgotten. Despite the fact that he was one of Poland's outstanding orators, his preaching legacy has not yet been thoroughly compiled. The aim of this dissertation is to fill this gap in the biography of Skarga of Greater Poland.


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