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Vol. 88 (1997): Our Past


Monks of the Kingdom of Poland after the dissolution in 1864. Selected issues

  • Roland Prejs
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1997-12-30


The dissolution of monasteries in the Kingdom of Poland, ordered by Tsar Alexander II's decree of November 8, 1864, had far-reaching consequences for the lives of monks. Some of them found themselves in monasteries that had been preserved since the dissolution, some in those scheduled for liquidation, and others chose emigration or became involved in parish ministry. After the dissolution, monastic life in the Kingdom of Poland ceased to exist, according to some, but such a judgment cannot be sustained, because monks are people, not just organizational structures. The article, based mainly on archives and the press, examines selected issues related to the situation of monks after 1864, analyzing their attitudes and reactions to the new situation. Dispersed by the dissolution, they had to adapt to new conditions, which revealed their shortcomings and weaknesses. A more complete understanding of their attitudes would be possible after an in-depth analysis of all the orders affected by the dissolution.


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