The Victorin congregation was not represented in the lands that were part of the Kingdom of Poland. Only in Western Pomerania was one monastery founded, and the foundation of a second one is still planned. The sudden and basically one-off appearance of the Victorins in the Western Pou is probably related to a planned action by the authorities church members aiming to implant this canonical reform movement in this area. The history of the abbey, and especially the congregation of St. Wiktor, are not the best researched. Perhaps further research will allow us to discover new data regarding direct contacts of the Victorians with Polish lands. Their indirect influence, especially through the works of the main representatives of the "school" of St. Wiktor, were felt by the entire Middle Ages and, for example, contributed to the reform of monastic life. However, the popularity of 12th-century works in late medieval monastic circles was, as Giles Constable has shown, typical.
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