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Vol. 90 (1998): Our Past


"Per totam terram equitando... ". A study of the itineraries of Włocławek bishops in the Middle Ages. Pt 1. From the beginnings until the early 14th century

  • Jacek Maciejewski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1998-12-30


The Włocławek bishops were on the move much of the time in the period under study. Unfortunately, the paucity of the sources prevents us from finding out more about the regularity, frequency or length of their travels. It is doubtful, however, that the visitations and travels were made in accordance with a fixed timetable. The pattern that can be discerned in some of them merely reflects general chapter meetings (the convocations were usually held at the time of great religious festivals) and the dates of Easter. The travels of the Włocławek bishops were connected with their duties, i.e. administering the diocese both in spiritualibus as in temporalibus, though economic necessity must also have played its part. Another important factor that should be taken into account was the active involvement of the Włocławek churchmen in politics. Had it not been for the latter, they need not have spent so much time travelling (especially outside their own diocese). At any rate, judged by the astounding amount of their travels, each of the Włocławek bishops in the years 1220-1323 (and their successors probably just as well) could be dubbed episcopus ambulans. The Appendix presents the sources upon which this study is based and does not attempt to reconstruct the bishops itineraries. There is simply not enough data to undertake such an reconstruction.


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