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Vol. 91 (1999): Our Past


Altar wings from the parish church in Wysocice

  • Janina Dzik
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1999-06-30


Parish church of St. Nicholas in Wysocice (Gołcza commune, Kraków province), founded by the nobles of the Odrowąż family, is a significant, well-preserved example of Romanesque sacral architecture in Lesser Poland. A single-nave, gallery temple dating from the first quarter of the 13th century, with noble simplicity and austerity of shape, it also contains sculptures Romanesque works of high artistic rank. The Mannerist style is represented by the multi-picture altar of St. Anna Samotrzeć, whose structure refers to the form of a triptych. The main altar was made in the mature Baroque style with illusionistic stucco decorations, which frame the 17th-century image of Hodegetria, a copy of the Jasna Góra painting. It was assumed that a painting depicting the patron saint of the church, St., came from this century or the next century. Nicholas and unspecified, painted on both sides wings from the sacristy wardrobe with the image of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary and figures of Saint. Stanislaus and St. Nicholas. Due to their poor condition, they have recently been subjected to conservation, hence they are the subject of this study. Contrary to the rich literature on the Romanesque church, the wings, undoubtedly associated with the above temple from the beginning, are rarely taken into account due to their complementary function. were included in scientific or guidebook studies.


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