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Vol. 29 (2022)


The systemic nature of Aristotle’s philosophy

  • Andrzej Sołtys
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-09-19


The article refers to a lively discussion about the nature of Aristotle’s philosophy. While many of Aristotle’s commentators acknowledge the systemic nature of his philosophy, there are also those who identify him as an analytical and even anti-system thinker. This study partially justifies the assertion that Aristotle, confronted with Plato’s cognitive idealism, creates his own philosophical system. In the justification, the basic system-creating factor is distinguished, which is cognitive realism, and then it is pointed out that this factor is the central point of philosophical cognition and explanation of man, his actions and virtues, which human reason acquires through his actions. This justification of the statement put forward in the work is based on the fundamental premises: ontological pluralism is a unity, and therefore being itself is a system; philosophy, according to Aristotle’s concept, is a comprehensive, causal and ultimate knowledge of being; in this way, Aristotle explains the human being, its action and his virtues. The orientation of philosophy to explore the indicated areas of real being partially proves the systemic nature of his philosophy. The reason why commentators undermine the systemic character of Aristotle’s philosophy is their misinterpretation of the Stagirite’s method of historicism, suggesting that he cultivates philosophy on the meta-subject level.


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