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Vol. 12 No. 2 (2019)


Personal Background Surveys of Inmates: Legal and Psychological Aspects

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-12-31


The article discusses the legal and psychological aspects of personal background surveys of inmates serving a prison sentence. In the legal context, the statutory objectives of psychological diagnosis of prisoners were discussed, i.a. as a basis for individualisation of a custodial sanction, prevention of harmful influence of demoralised convicts and ensuring prisoners’ personal safety. As regards the psychological aspect, arguments were put forward in favour of in-prison diagnosis as a variety of psychological diagnosis, mainly due to the fact that it offers a description of characteristic ways of behaviour of a convicted person as well as explaining the mechanisms of their emergence, maintenance and possible changes in the functioning of the diagnosed person. In the analysis of the legal and psychological aspects of diagnosis in the penitentiary setting, the specific nature of three types of personal background tests was presented: 1) psychological rehabilitation diagnosis, 2) psychological therapeutic diagnosis, 3) psychological diagnosis of recidivism. Finally, attention was paid to factors that should be considered in the development of psychological diagnosis of inmates, for example, the testing of positive and dynamic personality aspects of convicted persons and standardisation of research, including the development of modern diagnostic tools.


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