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Tom 25 Nr 1 (2017)

Teologia dogmatyczna i biblijna

Prawda dogmatyczna w dynamice poznania mistycznego

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 15.10.2019


One may distinguish cataphatic and apophatic knowledge within the mystical tradition of the Church. The apophatic knowledge (obscure) is more appreciated than the positive one, because in knowing God, we attempt to know a reality absolutely transcendent. However, the Revelation itself has both elements, and yet the element positive seems to be more stressed. On the other hand, the dynamism of knowing God indicates some transition from positive knowledge to the negative one. The dogmas are statements thoroughly positive. They aim to define and pass on the divine truth. In that perspective a question arises as to their signification and actuality, taking into account the dynamism of knowing God. The question is so much important as it is said commonly that the mystics were beyond the dogmas. The article analyses the dynamism of knowing God’s reality, putting the stress on the dogmatic knowing in order to demonstrate both the cataphatic and apophatic character of the dogmatic truth that make the mystical knowledge impossible beyond or outside the dogmas.


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