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Bd. 29 Nr. 2 (2021)

Teologia systematyczna

Botanical Theology of Julius Bernhard von Rohr

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34839/wpt.2021.29.2.77-92  [Google Scholar]
Veröffentlicht: 2021-12-27


Julius Bernhard von Rohr (1688–1742) was a lawyer by profession and an amateur but competent botanist. A religious man, he considered the study of nature to be a way of appreciating it as a work of God to find a way to God or to deepen one’s religious faith. This combination of natural science and theology found the best expression in his Phyto-Theologia in which he described in detail the botanical world to show it as an expression of divine power, wisdom, and goodness. He described in great detail various plants, their parts, the uses of plants for humans and animals, and the purposefulness manifesting itself in all aspects of the flora. Von Rohr addressed the problem of theodicy as related to the botanical world and the problem of an interplay between theology and science.


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