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Vol. 27 No. 1 (2019): John Paul II


On the Implementation of the Synthesis of Christian Faith and Culture by St. John Paul II

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-07-10


The article focuses on the problem of dissonance between Christian faith and contemporary culture which the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council and the popes (Paul VI and John Paul II) pointed out calling for overcoming it and suggesting the adequate solutions. In the first part the author introduces the term and understanding of faith and culture as explained by John Paul II. Then, he considers the drama of the dissonance between Christian faith and culture pointing to its causes and consequences. He takes into account the papal diagnosis of the culture (not only European one) and challenges regarding the world that face the Church. In the second part the author considers the connections between culture and faith and vice versa, and he discusses the intermediary and coactive role of culture in regard to faith and the inculturation of faith as a way to obtain the synthesis of faith and culture.


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