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Vol. 28 No. 1 (2020)

Church history

The History of the Jesuit Post in Opava in Cieszyn Silesia in the Years 1625–1773

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Published: 2020-06-29


Until the dissolution in 1773, the Jesuits in Silesia were involved in the intense re-Catholicised activity. Their institutions had the rank of colleagues, residences and missions. The largest establishments – the Jesuit colleges – were founded in the following Silesian cities: Głogów, Legnica, Nysa, Opava, Opole, Świdnica, Wrocław, Żagań, and Kłodzko. Nevertheless, one of the most critical Jesuit institutions in this area – the college in Opava – has not been monographed. Therefore, the article aims to bring closer its fate, as well as to lead other researchers to Latin, Czech and German sources concerning the college. Its history is rich. The Jesuits were appointed to Opava by Prince Charles I Liechtenstein in 1625. Five years later, they established a college. In 1635, Charles Eusebius Liechtenstein, son and successor of Charles I, donated the Jemetice estate to the Jesuits in Opava. In 1642 the institution acquired the rank of a college. There was a boarding school of St Ignatius for students from the impoverished nobility and four Marian sodalities for townsmen, young craftsmen and Czechs. The Jesuits built a new church of St George and a college building in Opava. After the dissolution in 1773, their property was taken over by the state school fund.


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