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Vol. 28 No. 1 (2020)

Pastoral theology

The Spiritual Realism and the Proposal of Holy Communion for the Non-Sacramental Marriages

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Published: 2020-06-29


The discussion on the proposal of Holy Communion for those living in non-sacramental relationships should be viewed through the prism of spiritual realism. There is a need to sort out the doctrinal facts related to this reality to clarify the subject of discussion and the reality of communion in the metalanguage. It is also necessary to consider the contradictions between the basic idea of communion and the objectification of the Person, which is expressed in the instrumentalization of the Eucharistic Communion. For the realistic and comprehensive approach to the sacraments, it is necessary to be aware of the dimension of the spousal sacramental life. One needs to also reckon with the uninterrupted and unchangeable Tradition. It is necessary to ensure the right use of the terms digamoi and Gospel of the family. The correctness of the theological discussion requires a real discernment rather than the lobbying for the “already marked path,” omitting even St Paul VI’s Humanae vitae or St John Paul II’s Familiaris consortio and his entire extensive teaching about marriage and the family. It is also important not to instrumentalize the practice of the “spiritual communion.”


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