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Vol. 28 No. 1 (2020)

Biblical Studies

Jesus Christ and Contemporary Bible Teaching: Questions about the Jesus of History

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Published: 2020-06-29


When defending the divinity of Christ, it is very easy to highlight and criticize the tendency to reduce or transform Jesus into a mythical symbol or a timeless archetype, and thus to slip into crypto-monophysitism. There is a risk in this approach of obscuring or neglecting the true and full humanity of Christ, including His Jewishness. The Gospels are a necessary source when investigating the historical person of Jesus, in order to, as J.P. Meier said, “prevent a bourgeois form of Christianity from domesticating Jesus (…). The reader who wanted to know the real Jesus should close this book immediately because the historical Jesus is not the real Jesus or the easy way to Him. The real Jesus is not accessible and will never be” (english transl. by WTR). This quotation confirms the importance of an accurate study of the New Testament texts. Through the witnesses of the events transmitted to us, we are able to meet the real Jesus Christ, the one who is the subject and the object of the Gospel.


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