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Vol. 28 No. 2 (2020)

Systematic theology

El inicio del camino. Fe, bautismo y pertenencia a la Iglesia en el pensamiento de Joseph Ratzinger

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-12-04


Through baptism the new Christian is born of water and immersed in the resurrection of Christ. This paper addresses, firstly, the liturgical dimension of the act of faith, according to the studies of the Bavarian theologian. This reviving immersion influences all the dimensions of the person: from the cognitive to the ethical, without forgetting the relational and emotional ones. After this, the social and communitarian dimension of the act of faith is emphasized, which introduces us into a believing and saving community. Finally, the author reminds us of the effects, such as the light and joy that the believer experiences after becoming aware of the baptism received. Being the common patrimony of all Christians, the first of the sacraments constitutes a good bridge and starting point for ecumenical dialogue, as the Second Vatican Council recalls (cf. UR 22).


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