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Vol. 30 No. 1 (2022)

Church history

Printed Book in the Library Collection of the Wrocław Poor Clares in 16th and 17th Centuries

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Published: 2022-07-26


The St Clare Abbey in Wrocław, one of the most important monastic centres in Silesia, epitomizes very high religious culture in the modern age. Having accepted the 1677 constitutions that respected the Law of the Council of Trent, the nuns entered a new period of their inner life development, which also led to an improvement to their cloister library. The analysis of the preserved old prints contained in this collection reveals a very traditional and monastic profile of the culture of Wrocław Poor Clares, who remained open to new spiritual trends and contemplative ways of individual prayer. Among the authors, the nuns would opt for the members of the Jesuit Order and Benedictines, especially those from the German language culture.


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