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Vol. 30 No. 2 (2022)


Hugh of Saint Victor’s View of the Practice of Simony: The Tenth Part of the Second Book of De sacramentis christianae fidei – Introduction, Translation, Commentary

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Published: 2023-02-08


This article presents the translation of part ten of the second book of Hugh of St Victor’s (b. c. 1096, d. 1141) treatise De sacramentis christianae fidei, which deals with simony (De simonia). To make it easier for the reader to compare the original with the translation, a selected fragment from De sacramentis... has been reprinted as published by Jacques-Paul Migne in the 176th volume of his perennial collection Patrologia Latina. The Polish translation is preceded by a brief introductory word and provided with footnotes that give information about the dating, the basic idea and the structure of the text as well as summarise and to some extent discuss the contents of part ten of the second book of this theological summa.


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