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Vol. 32 No. 2 (2024)

Pastoral theology

Implementation of the Principle of Pastoral Exercise of Power by Ordinaries Who Impose or Declare Punishments for Crimes contra sextum cum minore

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-11-29


The author deals w how the principle of pastoral exercise of power should be implemented when imposing expiatory penalties for crimes contra sextum minore. This is a principle recognized in canonical literature and applied to the overall power to govern. The article seeks an answer to the question of how it should be specified in the case of punishment for pedophilic crimes in the light of the amended Book VI of the CCL/83. In the first part, the problem of who, in the case of the exercise of potestas executiva, should be considered as the entity obliged to implement the principle of pastoral exercise of power. The second part will deal with the topic of the juridical and canonical dimension of caritas pastoralis, and the consequences resulting from it in the case of the now critical problem of punishment for crimes contra sextum cum minore. Next, the author seeks an answer to the question whether punishment, which in the past was thought to be at variance with the so-called “Church of love,” can become one of the ways to heal a community wounded by scandals.


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