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No. 1/20 (2024)


Study of the linguistic awareness of the inhabitants of Poznań – Germanisms in the contemporary Poznań dialect

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-05-29


The aim of this article is to examine the linguistic awareness of the inhabitants of Poznań in relation to Germanisms found in the contemporary Poznań dialect. The study is based on an anonymous questionnaire survey, answered by 104 people in three age groups. The analysis verifies active and passive knowledge of German loanwords among the respondents and their knowledge of the etymology and occurrence of the studied units in quantitative terms. The attitude to Germanisms and their vitality is examined, with an indication of age groups, social strata and situations in which they are most often used. The study is compared with the results of the analysis carried out in 2015 by Anna Piotrowicz and Małgorzata Witaszek-Samborska.


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