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No. 12 (2018)


Speech impairment and foreign language learning. Practical guidelines for teachers from the speech therapist’s perspective

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2018-12-28


Speech impairment effects the functioning of a pupil at school. It can often be a stumbling block in the learning process and provoke reluctance in pupils to give their opinions in a foreign language during classes. Consequently, it can contribute to lowering motivation for foreign language learning. The aim of this article is to increase awareness among foreign language teachers regarding the pupils’ articulatory problems which may contribute to poor pronunciation both in their mother tongue and in a foreign language. If speech problems are noticed the teacher can create appropriate conditions for the pupil to learn a foreign language and to undertake assessments related to the pupil’s pronunciation abilities. Paying attention to this problem is important in organising the education of such pupils.


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