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No. 8 (2014)


The language of the interwar-right – the lively tradition or unremembered history?

Published: 2014-10-01


In the article one made the comparison the language used through the interwar-right during parliamentary deliberations in a modern manner and within a period of interwar. The authoress notices that the language of the pre-war right in the official communication during deliberations of Seym was not excessively aggressive. In this language comes to light the perception of politicians who represent other position as political opponents whom one ought to overcome, and not as enemies whom one ought ruthlessly to destroy. In a modern manner lingual aggressive behaviours, especially these directed against political competitors are very often met on the parliamentary hall and remind these which are present during street demonstrations or meeting-meetings.
To the exposure, but simultaneously popularizations of the language of the aggression in the large measure contribute more and more specialized and various media.


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