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No. 8 (2014)


About genres of speech and their press realisations

Published: 2014-10-01


The author treats genres of speech as models of text organization, i.e. abstract entities organised internally in patterns involving four aspects (structure, semantics, pragmatics and stylistics). Genres recognized in this manner are capacious categories because of their cultural, historical and communication determinants. Most of genre patterns are flexible categories with varying degrees of normativity. Genres are usually polymorphic phenomena. A set of variants of a genre pattern treated as a model includes: a canonical variant, determining the identity of the genre, alternative variants and adaptive variants, i.e. genre loans. Conventions of particular genres in this regard appear in various arrangements. There are genres with a full range of options, the ones including a canonical and alternative variants or only adaptations. Genres may have movable boundaries and be of transgressive nature.
Press genres have flexible patterns, now shaped by the usus of journalists. They are extremely dynamic and continually modified in text realisations. The identity of many genres in this sphere is determined by their structure. Other parameters are transformed through the operation of various discursive strategies. Authors of press releases are trying primarily to intrigue or entertain the receiver. The function informing about current facts or events, and the function of shaping of an opinion recedes into the background.
The richness of text specimens is accompanied by some model regulations, yet so obscure that the receiver could get the impression that genres become obliterated or even disappear.


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