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№ 15 (2021)


(Un)translatability of culture-bound elements in AVT

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25312/2391-5137.15/2021_07ab  [Google Scholar]
Опубликован: 2022-01-17


The author focuses on two modes of audiovisual translation – dubbing and voice-over. The aim of this paper is to dispel the myth of absolute cultural non-translatability, and excerpts from films about super heroes are examined to this purpose. An audiovisual translator faces many challenges, and translation strategies for texts characterised by cultural elements are not only helpful but indispensable in facilitating the translation process. One such strategy is adaptation, which proves to be highly effective and contributes to the positive reception of films by their intended viewers. The correct interpretation of the cultural fragments determines the accessibility of the language and can contribute to enhancing the humorous effect in the Polish language version. The analyzed movie excerpts demonstrate that the Polish versions contain creative and sometimes unexpected translational ideas for adapting the source-culture elements to the target culture, resulting in dialogue that is appreciated by Polish viewers.

Библиографические ссылки

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