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Vol. 133 (2020): Nasza Przeszłość


The history of the organ in the Church of St. Adalbert and Our Lady of Sorrows in Modlnica

  • Piotr Matoga
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-06-30


The subject of the article is the history of the organ in the church of St. Adalbert and Our Lady of Sorrows in Modlnica. The article is based on the results of archival queries, with the largest number of sources coming from the parish archive.
The research shows that the organ was present in the church at least from the first half of the 18th century. The present instrument was built in the years 1843–1844 by the Cracow organ builder, Ignacy Wojciechowski and was repaired, renovated and rebuilt several times. In 1888, the son of Ignacy, Tomasz Wojciechowski from Cracow, carried out the renovation, while in the second half of the 20th century, the company of Henryk Siedlar from Cracow added a pedal section to the instrument. The article contributes to the history of musical life in the parish of Modlnica and to the biography of Ignacy and Tomasz Wojciechowskis.


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