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Vol. 100 (2003): Our Past


The ecclesiastical benefice of the Uniate decanate of Dukla and their beneficiaries in 1761-1780

  • Mariusz Kaznowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2003-12-30


The Uniate Decanate of Dukla was situated in the south-western comer of the Diocese of Przemyśl. In the period 1761-1780 it had 27 parishes and one filial parish. With its two territorial divisions, the southern (in the Lower Beskid Mountains) and the northern (in the Strzyżów Lowlands), the Dukla Decanate displayed all the characteristic features of an ethnic and religious borderland. The existence of each parish was secured by the parochial beneficium, ie. an income-generating ecclesiastical living. Only a parish priest who received a canonical institutio for his parish from a bishop ordinarius could be a lawful beneficiary o f the appropriate living. The law of the Uniate Church allowed laymen who took part in the religious life of the community to use portions of the land owned by the church. The article is based on 18th-century sources from the archives of the Uniate Diocese of Przemyśl (now at the State Archives o f Przemyśl). They include protocols of parish visitations in the Decanate of Dukla, descriptions of the diocesan benefices, as well as lists o f church members, ordinations, presbiters and diacons.


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