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Vol. 127 (2017): Nasza Przeszłość


The activities of the Security Service against the Order of Capuchin Friars in Krosno in the years 1981-1989

  • Krzysztof Kaczmarski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2017-06-30


In the years 1982-89, the monastery of Capuchin Friars in Krosno was one of those administrative units of the Catholic Church in then Krosno Voivodship which unequivocally supported the local structures of Solidarity and which constituted the active centre of the local opposition. The Guardian, Fr. Bogusław Piechuta and his confreres, Fr. Ryszard Śleboda and Fr. Zdzisław Duma, were uncompromising adversaries of the communist authorities. For this reason, they were under the surveillance of the functionaries of Department IV of the Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Krosno. The author of the article strives to retrace the operative activities of the Security Service towards the order in the years 1982-1989. He also presents administrative activities of the Department of Religious Denominations in Krosno aimed against the order.


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