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Vol. 126 (2016): Our Past


Directoria and schematisms of the diocese of Żmudź from 1853-1914 held inthe diocesan archives in Kielce

  • Piotr Kardyś
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2016-12-30


Directoria (directorium, ordo) and schematisms (elenchus) of the Diocese of Żmudź kept in the Diocesan Archives in Kielce contain a great deal of important source material concerning the administration and organisation of the diocese as well as diocesan clergy and believers. They also constitute an indirect proof of difficulties in the functioning of the Catholic Church on the territories appropriated and incorporated to Russia in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The Archives in Kielce hold 30 such prints from the years 1853-1914. Directoria provide the dates of holy days in the liturgical calendar, while schematisms list church people and institutions, church authorities and diocesan institutions, territorial and personal organisation, demographic data, monasteries, valuable catalogues of the bishops of Żmudź since 1415. The whole was enriched with an extensive historical outline of the diocese from its erection during the Council of Constance to the beginnings of the 20th century.


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