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Vol. 119 (2013): Our Past


Preparation for priesterhood in the archdiocese of Gdańsk after the councile of Trent (1577-1660)

  • Sławomir Zabraniak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2013-06-30


Among the directives of the Council of Trent were those concerning the preparation of candidates for priesthood. The Ordinaries were obliged to take care of engaging candidates for priesthood. The  result was the foundation of theological seminaries and greater care for the intellectual and ascetic formation of the future priests. In The Archdiocese of Gdańsk until 1660 there were two theological seminaries in Kalisz and Gniezno and an erection of a further one was planned in Kamień (Krajeński) for the candidates of German language. Their activity, although very limited as far as the possibility of educating the candidates for priesthood is considered, gave rise to a new direction in the formation for priesthood. In the following centuries the theological seminary became obligatory for all candidates for higher orders. The seminaries of Kalisz and Gniezno, founded by the Primate Stanisław Karnkowski, were meant to house 12 alumni, entirely on the cost of the Archdiocese. The first seminary began to function in 1593 at the Jesuit College, with the Jesuits as managers and lecturers. It functioned until 1621, when the seminarists were moved to Gniezno. The second seminary was founded by the Primate in the capital of the Archdiocese in 1602, at the Cathedral. It was managed by the diocesan priests. It existed – despite various obstacles – throughout the whole period in question.


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