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Vol. 115 (2011): Our Past


From the research on the prosopography of Cistercian orders in Poland

  • Jolanata M. Marszalska
  • Waldermar Graczyk
Published: 2011-12-30


Research on religious congregations as a social group and their relations with the local community and influence on other environments, especially on the cultural, religious and economic levels, is becoming more and more frequent. However, works in the field of monastic prosopography are still limited, mainly due to the lack of available source material and the difficulties in analyzing it. The most information is provided by archival sources about people performing important functions in orders and monasteries, while information about other monks is usually more scarce. Studies often focus mainly on the superiors of individual convents, and determining the personnel and functions in the monastery is a difficult task. More prosopographic information is provided by documents relating to the monastic economy and court cases. Research on the personnel of Cistercian abbeys in Poland is a challenge due to the limited availability of source material. Incomplete studies are only a preliminary understanding of a topic, and a full understanding would require more data. In the past, authors such as Stanisław Kujot and Kazimierz Dąbrowski raised the importance of research on religious convents, but work in this field is still limited. The basic sources for this type of research are foundation documents of monasteries, chronicles, obituaries, record books, visitation files, Reformation statutes and correspondence. We have the most information about monasteries from the Middle Ages, while research on modern monasteries is much more difficult. Research work requires contact with source literature and taking into account the credibility of the sources. In recent years, there has been an increased interest in prosopographic research of Cistercian monasteries in Poland, but there is still a lack of satisfaction in the scope of this research. Despite this, this research enriches our knowledge about the life of monasteries and their role in the history of Poland.


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