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Vol. 107 (2007): Our Past


From the history of religious life in Wieluń. Religious brotherhoods at the collegiate church

  • Sławomir Zabraniak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2007-06-30


It is difficult to imagine parish life without the participation of the various communities and organisations to which the faithful belong. In past centuries, religious confraternities played an important role in the life of parish communities. They were a kind of school for the experience of faith. Confraternities had a great influence on the formation of the Christian mentality and on the impregnation of daily life with the spirit of Christian love of God and neighbour. Their activities were mainly of a cultic-ascetic and cultic-charitable nature. In Wieluń, a city of great importance in previous centuries, several brotherhoods were active alongside the collegiate church. These were: the Fraternity of Priests, the Literary Fraternity of the Holy Trinity, the Fraternity of the Rosary, the Fraternity of St John of Nepomuk, the Fraternity of Charity and the Fraternity of St Catherine. They not only shaped the life of the town but also influenced the parishes of the archdeaconry.


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