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Vol. 110 (2008): Our Past


The contribution of Prof. Oswald Balzer to the establishment and functioning of the Department of the History of Polish Law at the University of Lviv

  • Magdalena Pyter
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2008-12-30


This article is devoted to the profile of Oswald Balzer. Prof. Balzer was one of the most important luminaries of Polish legal history at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. He connected his scientific and professional life with two university centres: The Jagiellonian University and the University of Lviv. However, his research and teaching activities were mainly concentrated at Lviv University.
The professor's activities in the eastern territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth were mainly scientific, but through science he was a pioneer of patriotism and love for his homeland. He often expressed the view that through science man is in touch with spiritual culture. This culture of the individual constitutes the national culture. As a physical dimension of the struggle for Polishness in an enslaved nation, Balzer brought about the establishment of a university chair in the history of Polish law, gave lectures in this field and organised a scientific seminar. Thanks to his activities, the youth of the time had the opportunity to prepare themselves spiritually and factually for the event of regaining national independence in 1918.


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