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Vol. 110 (2008): Our Past


19th-century ordinances for the dean (on the example of the Radomsko deanery)

  • Paweł Wolnicki
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2008-12-30


Relations with representatives of recognised religions were an integral part of the policy of partition on the territory of the former republics in the 19th century. Having experienced the dominance of the Orthodox Church in Russia, the Tsar sought to establish its supremacy over the Roman Catholic Church in the territory of the Kingdom of Poland. There, matters relating to the profession of faith were referred to the Government Commission for Internal and Clerical Affairs, to which bishops and delegates appealed. It issued national directives and thus interfered in the internal affairs of religion. Consistories and deans, on the other hand, as representatives of diocesan authority, became recipients and mediators of regulations issued not only by the bishop but also by civil authorities.
Directives and normative acts had the same function as a statute, decree, pardon or any other decision concerning a dean. They took the form of manifestos, proclamations, letters, instructions, bills, appeals, etc. The Consistory of Peterborough, as the immediate superior, issued orders and numerous letters. These reached the Radomsko deanery through the usual channels. This documentation is invaluable as it provides an insight into the full range of the dean's powers. The powers of the Radomsko deans in the administrative regime of the Kingdom of Poland are not well described by the synodal regulations and the rights and duties set out in their letters of appointment. A broader view of the role of this office allows the delineation of diocesan and national authority decrees.


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