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Vol. 140 (2023): Our Past

source editing

Visit to the church and monastery of Berdyczow of the Discalced Carmelite by order of the bishop of Lutsk and Zhytomyr of the orders of St. Anne second class with imperial crown and St. Vladimir third class by JW Michal Jan Piwnicki for the year 1841 written. Source edit.

  • Magdalena Marosz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-12-27


The description of the church and monastery of the Discalced Carmelites in Berdyczów, drawn up in 1841, is the second description preserved in the Archives of the Krakow Province of the Order of Discalced Carmelites in Krakow, next to the description from 1786, enabling us to reconstruct the appearance and furnishings of the convent in the period from the end of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century. The list of liturgi-cal costumes in particular provides us with information not only on types and quantities, but also on detailed descriptions of appearance and workmanship. Liturgical vessels, chal-ice linen and liturgical books also compile this list. A more detailed list of the books kept in the monastery library, even the more important titles, was not drawn up, restricting oneself to giving information only on the number of publications in a specific field or language. Nonetheless, it is known that more than two thousand volumes can be found in the library. The buildings of the convent were destroyed, rebuilt and partly used for other purposes; their furnishings, equipment and liturgical clothes, as well as the archives and the library were destroyed or dispersed. Therefore, the following manuscript is an immensely interest-ing and valuable source of knowledge, allowing us to reconstruct and recall what was physically and irrevocably lost.


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