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Vol. 47 (1977): Our Past


The rebirth of the Zwierzyniec monastery under abbes Dorota Kątska (1591-1643)

  • Anucjata Dygat
  • Aniela Rybak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1977-06-30


The article looks at the history of the Zwierzyniec convent during the reign of Abbess Dorothea Kątska. She was an energetic and courageous person with a strong sense of organisation. At the beginning of her reign she took back the monastery's usurped property. Then she began to rebuild the monastery. She enlarged and renovated the church. She also founded a new Norbertine convent at the Vistula Gate in Grójec and a chapel in honour of St Dorothy. She built a new chapel on the site of the burnt chapel of St Margaret. She furnished the monastery church with five altars, stalls, an ornamental pulpit and a velum. At the time of Abbess Kątska there was also a goldsmith's workshop. In S zwierzyniec she was called the second foundress, and her biography testifies that both contemporaries and posterity duly appreciated her merits. Towards the end of her life, the Swierzyniec convent reached the peak of its spiritual and organisational development.


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