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Vol. 55 (1981): Our Past


The cultural and artistic activities of the Congregation of the Sisters of St Elisabeth

  • Helena Zakrzewska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1981-06-30


If we want to characterize the artistic and cultural activities of the Congregation, we need to go back to its beginnings, i.e. to the Founders of the Elisabethan religious family. In the rich and diverse activities of the Founders, you can find much evidence of their sense of beauty and sensitivity to cultural and artistic values. They implemented them depending on the current conditions of the time and the circumstances in which each of them lived. In each period of its existence, the Congregation took care of careful training and education of the sisters, with a view to constantly improving the personal culture of its members and preparing the sisters to continue their activities in various areas, including cultural and artistic activities. This attempt to synthesize this sphere of vocational implementation, which has been taking place in the Congregation of the Sisters of St Elisabeth almost from the beginning of its existence, is intended to show this area, which, compared to the main tasks of the Elisabethans, is less noticed and exists as if on the margin of the whole.


  1. Frankiewicz E., — Matka Maria Merkert, „Biografia”, Opole 1972. [Google Scholar]
  2. „Wiadomości Kościelne”, parafia św. Jana w Toruniu, 1931 nr 45. [Google Scholar]
  3. Wójcik S., Jubileusz sióstr elżbietanek, „Przewodnik Katolicki” 1967 nr. 51. [Google Scholar]


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