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Vol. 57 (1982): Our Past


Religious life in the Kielce diocese in the 19th century

  • Daniel Olszewski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1982-06-30


The Kielce diocese underwent several changes in the 19th century, both in terms of its legal and administrative status and territorial organization. In the first period of history - from the establishment of the diocese in 1805 (the foundation act came into force in 1807) to its liquidation in 1818 - it covered a relatively large area of the former Austrian partition. After the liquidation of the Kielce bishopric (in 1818), its territory was divided, with the western part of the diocese (together with Kielce) being placed under the jurisdiction of the Krakow bishop. Gradually, however, this part of the Krakow diocese located in the Kingdom of Poland gained more and more legal and administrative independence. Politically, the areas of the Kielce diocese initially belonged (until 1809) to the Austrian partition. As a result of the victorious war between the Duchy of Warsaw and Austria in 1809, the area of the Kielce diocese was incorporated into the Duchy of Warsaw. After the Congress of Vienna, the entire Kielce diocese became part of the Kingdom of Poland. It remained within its borders until World War I. Religious relations in the 19th century in the Kielce diocese did not undergo such major changes as political ones. The religious culture of the Kielce diocese in the 19th century was diverse. On the one hand, traditional religiosity prevailed, related to the social structures of folk culture. On the other hand, new attitudes and forms of religious life crystallized. The latter were most visible in the environment that had undergone industrialization and urbanization in the previous century. As a result, this led to deep intra-diocesan tensions: radicalization of the socialist and dawn movements, progress of de-Christianization, and the spread of Mariavitism. The analysis showed that the religiosity of the Kielce diocese, being a heritage of long centuries, has become fused with the culture of the region and local customs.


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